“Tools we needed to expand impact.”

Working with GCG developed my leadership skills and gave our young organization the tools we needed to expand our impact. Since then, School Justice Project (SJP) has been able to secure additional funding, increase capacity, and serve more students. As SJP’s Executive Director & Co-Founder, I am so grateful for the coaching and support Stacey and her team provided during these critical first years. From helping me with public speaking to guiding me through executing on our strategic priorities, GCG’s support was invaluable to me and SJP. Thank you!

— Claire Nilsen Blumenson, Esq., Co-Founder & Executive Director, School Justice Project

“Passion for supporting leadership.”

Stacey has a passion for supporting leadership and organizational growth, helping all of us to be our best selves so that we can address our world’s biggest challenges. GCG’s effective approach challenged me to take on big goals and provided a roadmap of support to achieve them. Stacey is an excellent listener and digs deep into understanding the challenges and opportunities that exist. She then tailors concrete planning tools to support organizational growth as well as personal leadership development. She is always prepared, maximizing our time together, while flexible to adapt based on evolving needs.

– Amber Welsh, Founder & Executive Director, Austin Kids First

“Stacey Gallway is the consummate professional. She has enhanced multiple aspects of our business including: marketing business to business, creating a strategic plan that actually works, completing laborious tasks such as a successful B Corp application and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE) certification for the City of New York. She listens and then listens some more, responds quickly, works efficiently, and thinks both inside and outside the box.”

– Donna Chaiet, President, Prepare Inc.

“Inspiration and confidence.”

Stacey coached me while launching my community organizing nonprofit. She draws from personal nonprofit management experiences and connects you to the right tools and real-world professionals. Her coaching focused on my public speaking to pitch my nonprofit to funders and community-based leaders. As a result, I effectively share my organization's mission and vision with inspiration and confidence.

— Richard Pelayo, Community Organizer & Nonprofit Co-Founder

“Depth and breadth of research.”

Stacey Gallaway’s energized partnership provided both shape and wings for The Granada Theatre’s year-long centennial celebration and three night community-centered launch. The depth and breadth of the secondary research that Stacey pursued, coupled with insights she uncovered through interviews with leadership at historic theatres that had successfully mounted milestone year engagements, legitimized our concept and resulted in enthusiastic endorsement by The Granada’s Board and Committee. We knew what we wanted to do, and GCG’s research helped it take flight!

– Jill Seltzer, Vice President of Advancement, The Granada Theatre


“A joyous mobilizer.”

I’ve had several opportunities to work intimately with Stacey over the years and time and time again she’s proven to be a  joyous, healthy mobilizer, a thoughtful communicator and collaborator, and an innovative leader with tremendous integrity and grace. To say I wish I could hire her for myself full-time is an understatement!

Sheri Sanders, Pioneer behind the Pop/Rock Musical Theatre Revolution ‘Rock The Audition’ 

“Ambitious yet attainable roadmap for growth.”

Stacey and I collaborated on RISE’s three year strategic plan, which outlined an ambitious yet attainable roadmap for growth. Stacey understood that at the core of every conversation, action, or goal was a  commitment to authentically educate, engage, and empower low-income families and families of color to rise as change agents for educational equity in Aurora’s public schools. Our strategic plan honored that vision and helped to make it actionable. 

— Veronica Palmer, Co-Founder & CEO, RISE Colorado